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Data Protection Research

Research Center for Data Analysis and Protection - Phase II

Project Title: Research Centre for Data Analysis and Protection - Phase II – Demand-driven Project

ITMS Code: NFP313021W479

Call for Applications: Call for Non-Refundable Financial Contribution for the Support of Centres of Excellence of Transnational Importance – Phase II: OPVaI-VA/DP/2018/2.2.1-01

Recipient: Asseco Central Europe, a. s.


  • Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information
  • NanoDesign, s. r. o.
  • Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

Project Location (VÚC): Bratislava Region

Approved Financial Contribution: €6,279,406.03

The aim of the project: Development of the Centre for Data Analysis and Protection and strengthen its position on the international level, while conducting excellent research and development in intelligent ICT tools for the "SmartLife" platform with the focus on provision of services to residents and global application.

Project Components:

  • Industrial research on a unified data model and interface for the SmartLife IoT platform and experimental development focused on data model and interface issues (Applicant: Asseco Central Europe, a. s.)
  • Industrial research on the specific properties and relationships of data gathered from heterogeneous IoT sources and experimental development focused on verifying SmartLife platform operational models in relation to everyday life situations (Partner 2: DWC Slovakia a. s.)
  • Industrial research on IoT-based sensor points and systems, and experimental development in sensor elements and verification of their functionality (Partner 3: NanoDesign, s. r. o.)
  • Independent research and development in the field of advanced IoT sensor systems (Partner 4: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava)
  • Independent research and development in data reception, processing, and storage with focus on ensuring principles of data analysis and privacy protection (Partner 1: Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information)

The project is co-financed by the European Union.

For more information about the project visit Research Centre for Data Analysis and Protection - Phase II.

Information about the Operational Program Integrated Infrastructure 2014 – 2020 can be found at and