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Register of Rights and Obligations (RRO)

The Registry of Rights and Obligations (RRO) has been one of the four basic registers of the Czech Republic since 2012 and represents an essential source of data for public administration organization and management and provision of public services.

It contains reference data on public administration agendas, the services provided within these agendas, and information to help citizens navigate (known as the service and life events catalogue, including a navigational framework). Additionally, it maintains information about all public administration bodies and the information systems through which these institutions provide their services.

Recently, the Register has been expanded to include the area of representation (known as the Register of Representations), which allows for the creation and use of powers of attorney in digital services. Last but not least, the Register of Rights and Obligations provides a complex and extensive authorization matrix that controls the access of authorities to specific data about citizens, while processing their affairs, ensuring that they do not need to repeatedly submit data and preventing unauthorized access. The data maintained in the RRO is published as open data.