Agenda Solutions
Qualifications Verification System in the Slovak Republic
„This project has been implemented with the support of the European Social Fund and the European Regional Development Fund within the Human Resources Operational Program.“ | | | | | |
- Project name: National Project for the Qualifications Verification System in the Slovak Republic
- Operational Program: 312000 – Human Resources Operational Program
- Call code: OPLZ-PO1/2019/NP/1.4.1-01
- ITMS code: 312011V983
- Executor: State Institute of Vocational Education
- Project location: Bratislava Region, Banská Bystrica Region, Žilina Region, Košice Region, Prešov Region, Nitra Region, Trenčín Region, Trnava Region
- Project duration: from 03/2019 to 03/2023
- Total eligible project expenses: €11,780,130.64
- Coordinator: Asseco Central Europe, a.s.
- Contract name: Setup and Implementation of the Qualifications Verification System Structure
- Contract duration: from 07/2021 to 02/2023
Project objective
Comprehensive setup of the qualifications verification system and outcomes of non-formal education and informal learning in the Slovak Republic.
Target groups
- Employees, self-employed persons
- Young people under 25 years of age
- Older people of working age
- Job seekers
Project benefits
- Validation of acquired knowledge, skills, and competencies
- Better employability in the labour market
- Securing employment or career advancement
Expert activities
- Activity A – Initial setup of the qualifications verification system
- Activity B – Implementation of the qualifications verification system in practice
- Activity C – Launch of the pilot qualifications verification
Project outcomes
- Register of national guarantors (at least 75 individuals)
- Register of authorized persons (at least 375 individuals)
- Network of authorized institutions (at least 120 institutions)
- Successful graduates within the Qualifications Verification System (at least 1,872 individuals)
Involved institutions
- Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Sports of the Slovak Republic
- Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, and Family of the Slovak Republic
- Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs, and Family of the Slovak Republic
- Federation of Employers' Associations of the Slovak Republic
- National Union of Employers of the Slovak Republic
- Association of Industrial Unions and Transport of the Slovak Republic
- Confederation of Trade Unions of the Slovak Republic
- Association of Towns and Communities of Slovakia