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Asseco Central Europe introduces an attractive programme to support new start-up entrepreneurs

Bratislava, January 2023: The new year favours prepared visionaries who are not afraid to change the world through bold ideas and solutions! Asseco, one of the strongest software houses in Central and East Europe, has opened its doors to ambitious Slovak and Czech start-up entrepreneurs with its project UPSTEER, whose main mentor is Jozef Klein, CEO of the company, which provides new entrepreneurs with an opportunity to learn from the company´s key leaders.

The UpSteer project is a natural climax of Jozef Klein´s long cooperation with the start-up community through personal mentoring focused on various business topics.Behind this programme is the idea to guide promising young entrepreneurs in getting familiar with complex business principles. The targeted development of strategic business thinking and coaching is in many cases the factor decisive for viability or demise of an idea regardless how good it is.

In both Slovakia and the Czech Republic, there is a number of excellent and purposeful young people but the support for creation of preconditions and environments for testing and implementation of their ideas has been lagging behind.

“Following the years lasting cooperation with start-ups, we decided to establish an Asseco incubator focusing on selected business domains of Asseco (Banking, Insurance, Health, Utility & Industry 4.0, and specialized IT solutions). UPSTEER will interconnect theory and practice. The key factor for new start-ups to succeed is to transform their thoughts and ideas into economically successful business models attractive for potential customers, which takes a clear vision, strategy and an elaborate business plan. This is something they have to start with but to continue, they need faith, perseverance, consistency, and ability to overcome often extremely difficult obstacles. There is always room for improvements,” Jozef Klein, Asseco CEO, said upon the launch of the Asseco incubator.

UpSteer – New Incubator in Asseco – Helping you shape the future! - YouTube

Asseco´s UpSteer brings a concept combining long experience, discretion, and strategic thinking with beginners´ enthusiasm, passion, and visions. During the 7-month programme, selected start-up entrepreneurs will have an opportunity to work intensively on both their business and personal development under expert guidance.

UpSteer gives a chance to transform sensible ideas into viable projects and offers a helping hand to young visionaries on their way to the world of business. The programme offers 5 different areas: Banking, Insurance, Helath, Utility & Industry 4.0, and specialized IT solutions.


For more information visit: UpSteer by Asseco - UpSteer by Asseco (


