In the future, banking will no longer be seen as a financial transaction but as a value-added service. This is how Martin Chripko, Director of the Banking Business Unit at Asseco CE, sees the future of banking.
Bratislava, September 9, 2020: This year, Asseco Central Europe, the international software company, is celebrating its 30th anniversary in Slovakia. Over the past decades, the Company has seen exceptional growth; one of...
Bratislava, 3 August 2020: The TurboConsult company, which has been a part of the Asseco group since the end of the last year, became a new division of the Asseco Central Europe company on 1 August 2020. From now on, all...
Bratislava, 02 July 2020: Asseco Central Europe ranked first in three categories of this year´s Information Technology Trend TOP rankings drawn up annually by the Trend weekly magazine in Slovakia. The company has upheld...
Bratislava, 8. júna 2020: Medzinárodná softvérová spoločnosť Asseco CE zaznamenala v roku 2019 mimoriadne úspešný rok. Svoje tržby medziročne zvýšila o 9 % na 310,2 milióna EUR. Asseco zdaňuje a odvádza svoje zisky vždy...
Bratislava, 3. júna 2020: Medzinárodná softvérová skupina Asseco sa rozhodla podporiť hackathon HackYeah Online 2020 pod záštitou slovenskej a poľskej vlády. Tím profesionálnych dobrovoľníkov počas víkendu od 5. do 7....
Bratislava, 12 May 2020: Since the launch of eRecept (ePrescription) in 2018, more than 127 million prescriptions for medical drugs, medical aids, and dietetic food have been generated electronically. As much as 6 025...
Bratislava, 29 April 2020: The Asseco CE company´s activities support the fight against the new coronavirus. In a record-breaking time – ten days only, the company has developed and launched the IS COVID central...
Prague, 22nd January, 2020: At beginning of this week Asseco Central Europe (Asseco only) informed the State Fund for Transportation Infrastructure (SFDI- Státni fond dopravní infrastruktury) its intention to terminate...